Tuesday 7 September 2010


for more info: mormon.org
Last week I was called to teach early morning Seminary.  After working out a few practical problems, we've come to a final arrangement of it being at 6.30am at my house Mon-Wed and Fri.  On those days Vicky, who can't get to Louth, will do it with us via Skype.  On Thurs eve we'll have that day's lesson over at the chapel in Manby, because Vicky has to be physically in the lesson once a week in order to pass the course.

I was released from first councillor in Primary on Sunday, which, whilst I enjoyed the calling, is a relief to not be doing anything on a Sunday because dealing with my own 3 is such hard work as it is.

I was officially called by the Stake Pres (Ash Poulton) on Thursday evening and I had my first activity and meeting for Seminary at Hull (the stake centre) on Fri where I was overloaded with information and materials.  I didn't get a chance to look at any of it until Sunday evening and found it all a bit daunting and feeling the weight of the responsibility.  So after getting the kids to bed, I spent a coupe of hours going through it all and preparing for Monday and felt better about it all.  Our first lesson on Monday went really well, and I even coped pretty well with getting up at 6am.  I think the students enjoyed it too - Alastair told Adam (without any fishing for it!) that he'd really enjoyed it, that it was a good lesson and worth getting up for, so that made my day :)  I had a great day, on a high the whole of the day.  2nd lesson went well today apart from it being really hard to get up this morning (much harder than yesterday!) and Vicky had a power cut 20mins before the end, so I rang her and told her what to do out of the student manual for the last part of the lesson.  Hopefully she'll be back with us tomorrow.

I'm really enjoying it so far.  I had forgotten the depth of Seminary and loving really studying my scriptures and thinking about it properly, not just about the obvious answers.  I really hope I can inspire my students in the way my seminary teachers inspired me.

(anyone wanting to find out more about what I'm talking about go to mormon.org)

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