Friday 10 September 2010

Along came a spider...

Yesterday when we got home from school, Leilani noticed a medium-sized spider scuttling along the driveway.  She said "Look at that fast little spider".  She and Zach crouched down to watch it for a few seconds and then she quickly stood up and squished it with her foot.  She walked away saying "Not fast enough...".

1 comment:

Amy speaks but does she have anything to say... said...

She's my kind of girl! The other night whilst on the phone to Cait, Jon pointed out a large spider that was poking it's leg out from under our fire (sadly the fire wasn't alight or this might be a happier story). This sent me into immediate hysterics with tearful cries of "Pleeeeeease get it! Pleeeeease get it!" Thankfully he did and disposed of it out the back door while I waited half way up the stairs just to make sure it couldn't get me if it chose to scuttle out of Jon's hands. The next morning we had a visit from the spiders mother. In the bath.