Saturday 25 September 2010

Oh I love you Ken(wood)

I've had the baking bug today.  This morning Zach and I made scones together for our "Mummy and Zach" time.  We tried out a recipe for scones that has oats in after Sandy mentioned that she'd been baking some like that.  They turned out pretty well, but need a little more sugar for me :)  or maybe some nice bits of fruit in.  I did half the batch with raisins for everyone else, but left some plain because I despise raisins in anything.  As far as I'm concerned fruit and nut chocolate is evil and raisins are the devils way of spoiling a perfectly good chocolate bar.  But I digress...  The scones also have the added benefit of being quite filling and reasonably healthy so I don't feel so bad about letting the kids have that 'treat'.

Then for dinner tonight I made pizza entirely from scratch.  With the exception of the oregano that came out of a spice bottle.  I made the dough, including one free range egg from Mo's chickens.  The sauce included an onion from Dad's allotment.  And the sauce was topped off with mozzarella (from Tesco seeing as I don't know anyone with a buffalo...) and basil from my very own basil plant on my windowsill that I'm very proud to say has been there about 4 weeks and I haven't killed it yet.  Me and plants don't play well together really.  Must be a tough little thing :)  The pizza was lovely, although next time I need to roll the base much much thinner, I totally underestimated it's rising potential and it was about twice as thick as a traditional Italian pizza should be.

And now that we've got Zach and Tilly off to bed, and we're off to Sandy and Jake's in a bit I have made my next batch of Cookies and Cream Truffles.  Delish.  But I have raved about them enough I think :)  They are now in the freezer in an attempt to get them set quick enough to do the chocolate dipping before we go.

So I'm feeling quite hippified and pleased with my domestic efforts and I even managed to sort the washing and tidy the house too.  My food processor has been in use much of the day in my various endeavours and I'm still enjoying having my lovely Kenwood.  Come to think of it would earth mother hippy types have food processors?  Probably not eh, just a big bowl and a wooden spoon.  Phew, not a hippy then :)

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