Monday 6 September 2010


Had a great day on Thursday - reasonably good journey back from Reading with the kids, house tidied and garden done when I got home, presents waiting, evening spent flicking through the next directory, eating Thorntons choccies and relaxing in front of the TV.  So of course I was due a bad day on Friday just to restore the balance :D

Zach was mental.  From the moment he woke up to the moment he fell asleep.  He screamed and yelled his way through most of the day, really outdid himself on the tantrum scale.  We even had to cancel a trip to visit our ex-neighbour Mary because I knew he would just be too much to handle (Mary is elderly and has quite a lot of ailments).  It took 3 attempts to get Zach to go to sleep for his nap, finally ending with tying his bedroom door handle to the banister so he couldn't open it again and letting him scream it out 'til he calmed down.

By the time I'd gotten Zach to go to sleep, Tilly was awake from her nap, so I didn't manage to synchronise them so I could get some quiet time.  Tilly then turned on the mischief.  She wasn't having tantrums like Zach, but getting in to everything when I wasn't looking and she climbs on everything now so can reach an awful lot more.  The worst was that she went in to the kitchen cupboard and pulled out the oil - brand new 1L bottle, had just been opened, and emptied half of it over herself on the kitchen floor.  After crawling around in it she then ventured out on to carpet in the hallway and through to the living room.  It was only after she climbed up on the leather chair (thank goodness it wasn't the fabric sofas!) that I noticed.  I looked over and saw it looked wet and thought maybe her nappy had leaked.  After having a closer look I discovered what it really was and then went to find the source...

So then I needed to go shopping to get some bits for dinner and some staple items but couldn't because Zach was asleep.  Time was getting on, it was 3.30pm and I had to leave at 5pm to go to Hull for a seminary meeting.  So Ad came to my rescue and said he'd sort out Zach so that I could get the stuff done I needed to.  Went out, did shopping, got in at 4.55pm.  5 mins to turn around go back out and start the 2 hour journey to pick up the students and get over to Hull.

Tough, busy day.  Didn't even get any proper facebook time! :D

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