Thursday 2 September 2010


Trying to re-learn crocheting... and I'm off to a rocky start to be honest.  I used to do it in my early teens along with knitting.  The knitting I got back into in my early 20s and picked it up again very easily and thought this would be the same, but no.  Mom kept laughing at me because I was trying to "knit" using my other finger as a 2nd needle.  Mom showed me how to do it, but it took quite a few attempts to get a very slow rythm going.  I've now got a bit of a chain going, hope it turns out how I want it!  There's been a lot of "grrrs" and tongue sticking out whilst trying to pull wool through holes that are too tight.

So I was writing this whilst doing my first little project and I've just finished it.  Won't be winning any awards or anything but I'm quite proud of it :)  Will pop a photo on when I have one.

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