Thursday 9 September 2010

I must remember...

...that Zach is gorgeously cute.  It's his saving grace.  The only thing that keeps him alive at times.

Yesterday, walking back from dropping Leilani off at school I showed him a dumper truck and explained how it was different to a digger.  On the way to get Lani that afternoon we passed it again and here's how the conversation went:

Zach:  Look Mummy a dumper truck!  What does a dumper truck say?
Me:  Hmmm.... I don't know...
Zach: (pleading) Tell me...
Me: I don't know baby
Zach: It says dump dump dump!

Oh and while I'm at it, my favourite funny quote so far comes from Lani.  Walking to school one day she said "You're very skinny for a Mummy" :)

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