Wednesday 18 August 2010

My reminder of why we have late night shopping

Today I had my most hellish trip to the supermarket with the kids.  Tilly hadn't slept yet when we went out and has her back teeth coming through.  Add to that the 3 injections I popped into the doctors for on the way to Tescos and she really was not a happy bunny.  Tescos is a 20min drive away, where she slept and I figured this would be enough to get her through doing the shopping.  Wrong!  About 10 mins in she started screaming, and her screams are pretty loud.  The sort that make people flinch, cover their ears and turn around to see what child is being murdered.  She was inconsolable.  I tried giving her her dummy, a fig roll, a bit of Zach's sandwich and even picked her up ready to carry her whilst pushing the trolley.  When that didn't work and she was still screaming and thrashing about in my arms I put her on the floor.  Nothing worked.  I then had to wrestle her back into the trolley seat to try carry on the shopping as quickly as possible.  She may as well have been an octopus, it was so hard to get her little legs in the gaps.  I grabbed the Calpol I had in the tolley, not even paid for yet and tried to give her some, but she screamed even more at me and batted it away, spraying it all over.  Next she grabbed the bottle and flung it on the floor - smash. After quickly grabbing the attention of a passing Tesco worker (not difficult when you have a screaming baby) I made a dash for the bottles of kids drinks, grabbed a pack of the shelf, whipped one out and gave it to her.  I hate using stuff before I've paid for it, so it just shows how desperate I got.  That worked for about 3 minutes.  So then I had to just carry on with her screaming the place down and get finished as fast as possible.

All the while, I am getting various looks from the other shoppers, ranging from sympathetic "we've been there" looks from other mothers, to looks of disgust from people who obviously have never had to deal with a child who you just can not make better.  I even had one woman stop dead in the middle of her shopping and turn around and just stare, until she saw I noticed her staring and that woke her up enough to have the good grace to turn around and carry on.  Meanwhile Zach is up to his usual antics of just being generally naughty... so I have decided the only time I will be going to Tesco to do a big shop will be on my own, after the children are asleep.  You've got to love 24hr supermarket shopping.

1 comment:

Anna said...

poor thing, Eliza is just like that too. Once she is in a strop that's that. Better luck next time!