Monday 17 September 2012

I love my husband :)

I love my husband.  I think he's great.  That's why I'm with him :)

I have a bit of a bee in my bonnet... it makes me sad to see how many times there are public exclamations of how annoyed someone is with their spouse, usually on Facebook.  Your husband/wife is the person you should hold above all else. The person you are dedicated to build up and promote.  Why would you moan about them in public?  Sure, things annoy you and you need to talk about them, but find a more appropriate outlet - a private journal, a best friend, or better yet, communicate with your spouse - maybe after you've calmed down :)  How would you feel if the person you loved and trusted most in the world was talking badly about you in public, even if it was half joking?

I'm making a plea for anyone who comes across this to decide to only post positively about your loved ones, especially your spouse.  You should be their strongest supporter, their cheer leading squad and most trusted ally.

Adam is wonderful. He's not perfect, but he's perfect for me.  He does things well that I find hard and fills in the gaps.  He works really hard for us and is a great Daddy.  He's also lots of fun.  We have a lot of silly times in our family and he's often the one to start them.  I love him more than is possible to verbalise.

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