Wednesday 6 April 2011

Tilly Turns Two

On 26th March our baby turned two and really can't be called a baby anymore.  In honour of that I emptied out the "Baby Bag" and now it is just a normal rucksack.  It has been reduced to a mini pack of baby wipes that I can fit into my handbag.

For her birthday we went to see the Polkadots at the Auckland Botanic Gardens festival.  It would have been a really great day out..... but it rained badly that day and the day before.  So it was pretty miserable and muddy and we didn't stay long.

In the evening we had a birthday tea with her Aunty Sam, Aunty Sheri and their families.  This is Max and Tilly having a go on the Wii - Just Dance.

However the highlight of the evening was Ian's turn!

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