Monday 28 March 2011

For K2

This is Zach's message for his nursery class back at Greenwich House in England.

Hello Mrs Reynolds and everyone back at Greenwich House!

We are settled in well in New Zealand now.  We live in the northern part of Auckland, where we can see the city from parts of where we live - an area called The Palms.  I really like driving into the city over the bridge - that's the view on the postcard I sent you.  The biggest building is called the Sky Tower.

There are lots of beaches near us with good parks to play in.  This is me on Milford Beach.  The island in the background is called Rangitoto (said Rang-ee-toe-toe).  It's a dormant volcano so hasn't erupted in a very very long time.  There's a harbour at Milford so I got to see lots of boats coming in and out here.

There are lots of beaches near us with good parks to play in.  This one below is called Browns Bay and there is a big adventure playground there too and a really good ice cream shop.

I miss coming to Greenwich House, but I start at Kindergarten tomorrow and I'm excited to make some new friends.

Love from Zachary

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