Saturday 7 April 2012

Zach's last day at Kindy

On Friday Zach had his last day of Kindy.  After the Easter holidays he and Tilly will be in full time day care instead.  Since it was the last day of term, they were having a shared morning tea and a Pirates and Mermaids show.

Leaving kindy for the last time
Tilly found this black cricket in our living room so we caught it and took it into Kindy and fed it to the class frog.  Except it hid behind the frog's water container and he's not the smartest frog - just kept jumping at the plastic where it could see the cricket on the other side.  So we didn't actually get to see the frog eat it, but it was gone when we checked on it later :)
This is how Zach's people look at the moment.  I love it!  This is a picture he drew in Primary of saying his prayers next to his bed and the person nearer the front is me helping him.

Tilly was off somewhere pottering, I think I was doing laundry at the time and when I went to check on her I found this on the floor next to the fridge.  I guess she's in the sorting phase!

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