Tuesday 11 October 2011

If you go down to the woods today

(written on Sat 1st, only just got round to putting the photos on!)

Yesterday was a pretty mental day with my mental 2 and 3 yr olds.  I was trying to tidy up the house - it had only been done the evening before and they had already made a huge mess before we'd even taken Leilani to school.  As I was tidying they were making more mess at a faster rate than I was working at.  While I was busy sorting something out, they'd go off and do somethings else.  There was a lot of me repeating instructions to them many times over to get even the simplest things done, like put their shoes on to take Lani to school.

The final straw came when they pulled the bedding off the beds in the girls room, pulled out all of Tilly's drawers and emptied the clothes on the floor, then Tilly climbed in one of the drawers and did a wee.

Zach called up for me to come down and when I discovered it I just took them both and shut them out on the deck while I cleaned it up so they couldn't do any more damage anywhere!

After that I decided to completely give up on straightening the house and go out. (Don't worry I took Tilly and Zach, I didn't leave them on the deck, although I was very tempted to!)  We had a Teddy Bears' Picnic to go to anyway, so it was good to just leave it all behind and go somewhere where the kids could play by themselves for a bit while I calmed down - it was in their best interests to not be too close to me at that point...

The picnic was great - they had little backpack things to tie their teddy's to their backs and do races, a bear hunt in the trees for sweets and little paper bears, face painting and of course the picnic.  The kids loved it.  And after that I felt like I had the strength to return to reassess the bomb site at home.


I won!

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