Tuesday 27 March 2012


A lot happened in February - which you can probably tell because it's nearly the end of March and I'm only now getting round to blogging...

Mum + Dad + Jess + Sam's wedding = Awesome! (Would have been with 2 extra exclamation marks if Cait and Amy could have come too!)

(Side note: not being able to so anything with the photos yet because of issues with the computer - the complete opposite of awesome!)

Anyway, to kick off February, Zach got his first proper hair cut at the hairdressers.  He thought it was so cool, especially because Daddy was having his done at the same time and the hairdresser had clippers that barely made any noise at all (not like Mummy's...).

Goes without saying that we spent every sunny minute we could at the beach...

Waiting for Lani to finish in her classroom so we could go to the beach
Mum, Dad and Jess arrived... it was all a blur of lovely-but-busy-ness trying to fit in spending time with everyone, preparing for Sam's wedding, having the hen night, having the wedding and then looking for blue carafes for Jessie's wedding :D

It was all lovely, of course, and awful to say goodbye to them when they had to go back to England after just two weeks :(

Sam's wedding was really amazing.  The weather had been terrible right up until the night before (and through the night) and then the sun came out on Friday morning and the rest of the day was gorgeous, absolutely perfect for their beach wedding in Waiheke.  The whole thing was beautiful and calm, small and friendly.  Jess and I sang Entwined by Tim Myers, with Renee accompanying us on the guitar.  I also got to take some pictures, which I am dying to get working on, but am waiting on photoshop being reinstalled on the computer, so photos to follow later... I wasn't the main photographer as I was a part of the wedding, so that was pretty great to be able to take pictures, but without the pressure :D

I started walking a bit more (see widget at the top of my blog).  Just trying to work in a bit of exercise into my normal routine, since we drive everywhere where we live - nothing is within normal comfortable walking distance.  So sometimes we walk/scooter to school, although it takes 35mins to get there.  If we don't we park at the supermarket near school and walk the rest - about a 10-15 min walk/scoot.  I'd put on a stone since arriving in NZ and in the first two weeks of just doing these little extra walks I lost half of that stone.  I was pretty surprised.  Just have to keep it up to get back in shape.  And I'm not at all obsessed about it - honestly - I still eat junk and have a bit of chocolate when I feel like it, and know I haven't got much to lose, just want to get back to what I was.

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